Srujan 2k19

Paper presentation
1. Dream vision of Concrete India in 22nd Century.
2. Most amazing structure in the world- Construction and design aspects.
3. Sustainable Concrete.
4. Chennai Flood-Causes and Remedial Measures.
5. Disaster Resistant Structures.
6. Recycle and Reuse of water, Bio Waste and Construction Material.
7. GIS & Remote sensing for Disaster Mitigation and Management.
8. Construction Management - Strategies for Construction Industry Development.
9. Transportation Engineering.
1. Maximum Two members per Team.
2. 10 min will be given for each presentation.
3. Entries with plagiarism, inappropriate title & content will be disqualified.
4. The presentation should be in power-point/ PDF form, and should be mailed to ( srujan19srm@gmail.com).
5. Please bring a soft copy of the presentation in pendrive . Using your own laptop will not be permitted due to time constarints.
6. Kindly plan and prepare not to exceed the time of 10min given for your talk. Your talk will be followed by aquestion & answer session.
7. Results declared by the judges will be final binding.
Bridge modelling
Bridge modelling
1 - bridge should be made of popsicle sticks only
2 - Load testing will be done by applying load on the structure
3 - Bridge should have supports only at the ends or near the ends
4 - there shouldn't be any supports in the middle.
5 - The bridge which withstands maximum load will be declared as winner
Poster Presentation
1. Dream vision of Concrete India in 22nd Century.
2. Most amazing structure in the world - construction and design Aspects.
3. Sustainable Concrete.
4. Chennai Flood- causes and remedial Measures.
5. Disaster Resistant Structures.
6. Recycle and Reuse of waste Waster, Bio Waste and Construction Material.
7. GIS & Remote sensing for Disaster Mitigation and management.
8. Construction management - strategies for construction industry development.
9. Transportation Engineering.
1. Maximum Two members per team.
2. Entries with inappropriate title and content will be disqualified.
3. The poster should be of A2 size (594 x 420 mm or 23.6 x 16.5 inches).
4. The participant should be pressent at the poster to explain your work to the delegates or reviews during the schedule time.
5. Results declared by the judges will be final and binding.
Do you think your're the best in Auto-Cad drawings? Wanted know how the world deals CAD, and then here is the competition for you. Problem statement basically tests your planning, designing skills, time utilization and CAD skills.
1. It's a Solo Event.
2. Competition will be held in TWO STAGES stage. PRELIMS AND MAINS.
3. PRELIMS will be a QUIZ Paper Based on CAD drawing and techniques.
4. The participants selected in prelims will go for mains.
5. Anyone who knows Auto-cad may participate.
6. Participants must complete their design within stipulated time and no extra time will be provided.
7. Results declared by the judges will be final and binding.
1) Each team should consist of 2 member.
2) Code books will be provided at the venue
3)Before the test you will be given 30 minutes to go through the code books
4)The time limit for the groups will start as soon as the questions are given.
5)Maximum time to complete the test will be 20min.
6)Teams to submit as soon as they complete as time of completion will be taken into account.
7)The team with more number of right answers will be the winner.
8)if two teams have same number of right answers then their respective time will be seen.
9) the decision by the judges will be final.
Push-up Challenge
1.Your body should form a straight line from the top of your head to your knees.
2.Lower your upper body until your chest nearly touches the ground, keeping your core tight, back flat, and elbows behind your shoulders.
3.Push up through your hands and fingers to return to starting position That's one rep.
4.maximum count by a person will be declared as winner
1 - Each team should consist of 5 participants ( including goalie)
2 - Match will be conducted on the basis of knock out
3 - Duration 25 to 45 mins.
4 - Every participant of the team should wear same colour jersey.
5 - No elbows charges allowed
-The topic will be announced on spot, So do come with you're camera
-Both phone and DSLR are allowed for the Photography Event.
-The image should be submitted in JPEG format in pen-drive.
-No old photos will be allowed, Only on SPOT images will be permitted.
-Both PHONE and DSLR Photography will be conducted separately.
Fit for Fat
- Four Members in a Batch.
- Food Items Must be Eaten as per the instructor order.
- Half liter Water must be drunken after eating the Food Items.
- Finally Balloon Must be Blown and blast by hands.
- Rs 30/- for registration.
- Winning person will be getting Rs 60/- in return.